Imagining | Exploring | Transforming


In|Vision’s Art Therapy Spaces for Healing are founded on the belief that in art we play and experiment

with how we want to design our lives—and the way we experience and interact in the environments and relationships around us. Here, we don’t believe these things are separate, but irrevocably connected. As we work in one of these arenas we work in all of them.

In the spaces we create together, we empower you to choose how you want to make changes and know that we will support you in them. Through skilled social action art therapy and community art practice, we offer options for expansion out into your home or community. Or, focus in, to address exterior changes as they arise and engage our attention for your personal work through individual art psychotherapy—as you recognize opportunities to grow and transition to achieve greater life satisfaction, enhancement, and fulfillment.

We believe that as we take awareness and choice in our personal psychological interior spaces and the physical spaces that express/impact them, these interactions by extension impact the communities we exchange in, and from there the world. We can only start on this journey from within ourselves.

Individually and communally: together let’s make change.