Professional Development
for Therapists + Organizations
Helping you highlight the powerful work you deliver as a professional therapist—
to the teams, organizations, and clients you want to provide them to.
Work with an award winning and national patient satisfaction top-ranking clinician, program supervisor, and faculty professor of Art Diagnosis, Social Action Art Therapy, and Art Therapy Supervision. Explore, expand, and enrich your and your team’s: skills, client interactions, self- and program-reflection and reflexivity. Let’s create truly inclusive, innovative, and evidence-based, best practice—in your current role, and as field-wide standards.
Make your program soar.
Services to enhance your therapy practice…
…and impact how your entire organization provides care.
Professional practice Art Therapy supervision services are offered in adherence with Art Therapy Credentials Board standards for obtaining your ATR, and achieving eligibility to sit for your Board Certification examination. All hours of supervision are eligible for attestation and submission as a requirement for your pursuit of your ATR & ATR-BC credentials.
Supervision is also offered for best practice support post-credentialing for aims such as, but certainly not limited to:
-Negotiating institutional dynamics,
-Programming development and advocacy,
-Grounding and maintaining art therapy orientation when you are the only art therapist at your organization,
-Deepening your understanding of your case conceptualization and therapeutic relationship with your clients/patients—with exploration of transference and countertransference,
-Enhancing your clinical knowledge, language, and acumen for interdisciplinary team communications and documentation,
-Combatting over-clinification within your art therapist identity and artist self,
-Mitigating burnout, secondary stress responses, and compassion fatigue—especially during the vulnerable early years of practice.
Theoretical orientations most often integrated in Supervision at In|vision are: psychodynamic, object relations, attachment based, relational, transpersonal, mindfulness & neurosequential regulation based, and Jungian, with social action, feminist, anti-oppressive, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), culturally humble, intersectional, and trauma-informed lenses continuously interwoven. Solution focused, cognitive-behavioral, and ego psychology concrete interventions, case conceptualizations, and treatment planning will also be explored on an evolving basis to assist with translating your art therapy interventions into the language and standard requirements of the mental health field, as easily communicated with your clinical colleagues for truly integrated and holistic care.
Individual and group formats are both offered and available. If you have a small group of colleagues with whom you would like to begin a new supervision group, please inquire about initiation and scheduling.
Private Pay Fees:
Individual supervision | New Clinician- $85/hour session
Individual supervision | Experienced Clinician- $100/hour session
Group supervision- $70/1.5 hour session for each clinician in attendance
Please ask about sliding scale rates, to support you in your new practice and make making your best practice accessible and affordable for you.
Institutional Contract Fees:
Individual supervision | New Clinician- $100/hour session
Individual supervision | Experienced Clinician- $125/hour session
Group supervision- $95/1.5 hour session for each clinician in attendance
Combining decades of experience in public speaking and lecturing on missions and causes; provision of in-service presentations, self-care events, and wellness education to the public; and graduate professorships at top-ranking Art Therapy Graduate Programs, In|vision offers unique opportunities to collaborate in expanding the knowledge-base of students, professionals, constituents and community members.
In|vision offers:
-Guest Lectures in college and university courses on a topic of choice pertaining to art therapy/ psychotherapy;
-Mini courses or multi-session modalities as part of a semester-long course in a higher education institution;
-In-service presentations on Art Therapy process, application, and efficacy among clinicians;
-Wellness presentations and workshops to clients, patients, students, staff, colleagues, and public community using art therapy and mindfulness techniques; information on the research and evidence-base can be included, as appropriate and tailored to the presentation audience and goals;
-Individualized or small group test preparation and review for Art Therapy Board Credentials exam—tailored to meet provisional Art Therapist’s questions as they study and critically think through clinical situations, applications, and larger theoretical contexts.
In|vision already specializes within and has lectures and materials prepared on the issues of: Art Assessment and Diagnosis; Symbolism & Jungian Approaches in Art Therapy; Topics in Supervision; Social Action Art Therapy; APA style in Thesis and Research; DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) and Culturally Reflexive Practices; Internship and New Hire Preparedness; Safety and Structure in Group and Milieu Treatment; Understanding Trauma-informed Care of Patients for Non-Therapists; and Self Care for Mitigation of Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Compassion Fatigue. Any of these topics and lecture formats can easily be adapted for your educational needs.
In|vision is also happy to respond to your unique requirements on education and develop new content in wellness, psychotherapy, and art therapy topic areas. With a foundation of over 10 years of experience across populations and clinical settings, and over 20 years of experience in community art and the arts in healthcare to draw from—In|vision’s real-world service and practice includes case examples, explanations, and experientials to make educational content accessible, resonant, and really sing with students and constituents alike.
$250/hour of virtual live lecture, presentation, or course
$350/hour of in-person live lecture, presentation, or course
$750 preparation fee added for brand new educational topic research and development of session content
Working as a therapist is unlike any other job. And getting hired in a competitive market for Creative Arts Therapists is no easy task.
Gain insights in both aspects from a supervisor who has built teams, interviewed and hired recent graduates and seasoned therapists, overseen the transition from limited permit holders to full licensees, trained interns and new hires, and who was both trained and worked interdisciplinarily to reorient entire units’ staff to provide safe, therapeutic and effective treatment.
Write your resume in the language clinicians use to communicate. Emphasize the skills your clinical supervisor will want to know you practice before they hire you. Navigate interview questions and mock group facilitation evaluations with preparation and confidence. And once you’re hired, have an objective, experienced perspective supporting you as you interface in team meetings, manage documentation, and advocate for the effectiveness of your work within the institution—all to provide the best possible care to your clients and patients.
Scheduling + Fees:
$75/hour session of coaching
$50 per resume content review and suggestions edit; additional $50 for reformatting and grammar edits on resume copy
Additional add-on hours, short-format follow up, and check-ins can be scheduled at $45/30 minutes
Communication, cohesion, and creativity are key attributes in developing teams and therapeutic programming that enhances patient outcomes and sets them up for long term success. This makes a differences in the bottom line and performance reviews in audits, surveys, patient satisfaction, and rates of recidivism. However, in busy, high workload, and fast turnover healthcare environments, these life- and outcome-enhancing attributes in team development and output are easily overlooked.
In|vision offers proven success rates in building, re-building, and overhauling therapeutic programming for increased patient satisfaction, and decreases in rates of patient incidents and falls. In turn, team morale improves, burnout decreases, and these impacts only further positively affect the patients and clients you care about most.
Consultation with teams and development of therapeutic programming—from scheduling of therapy sessions, to content, to creative directives and evidence-based interventions—is a service In|vision is proud to offer and passionate about.
Especially in the often overlooked and marginalized specialties of psychiatry and mental health services, let’s give your patients the innovative, responsive and inspiring care they deserve.
$150/hour for live, virtual, team meetings and/or institutional group supervision for the whole team
$250/hour for in-person team meetings, consultation site visits, and/or institutional group supervision for the whole team on site
$100/hour for administrative program content and material design
Package rates available to meet your program’s budget, scope, and goals